-Prize Winning Author-
NEWS & EVENTS - 2016
After visiting Chicago last October to for a tour of the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago, home of the Demotic Dictionary Project, and a stop at Kregel Publishing in Grand Rapids, Andrea and I took another trip to Chicago in March for two events.
Elgar Society
- North American Branch
In March we spoke before the North American Branch of the Elgar Society in Chicago. The conference was held at The University Club of Chicago, a magnificent and historic building in The Loop.
The Elgar Society is an international organization of people devoted to the music and memory of English composer Sir Edward Elgar. While one of the greatest composers of his time, Elgar's place in THE JERUSALEM PROPHECIES comes as a reult of his famous Dorabella Cipher (written in 1897 and never deciphered) and the pivotal role the Dorabella Cipher plays throughtout the series.

Tower Lakes
Book Club
While we were in the Chicago area I also got to speak to the Tower Lakes Book Club. The club members had a lot of questions about the current political situation in Israel, so I used this map from National Geographic for some show-and-tell.

Barnes & Noble
Book Signing
Spent a really nice Saturday afternoon in December at the Barnes & Noble store in Yonkers, NY for a book signing that benefitted the Yonkers Public Library.